Kitsu and the City

Welcome to the City of Drasilynn - a mystical crossroads for various creatures and deities alike! Home to nearly 120,000 residents hailing from over 300 different realms, the Starlit City sports a plethora of tourist attractions, including:
The Owlbear ObservatoryA fantastic place for stargazers and interns! Peer into the celestial realm (or even other dimensions) using state-of-the-art equipment donated by the City’s own founders.Kids visit free. Tours available 5pm-12am on weekends.
The Grand BochordNeed help planning your vacation? Looking for that final piece of information to fledge out your essay? Whatever your desires may be, take them to the largest library Drasilynn has to offer! This well-flaunted gem of an establishment hosts endless corridors of books, a soundproof theatre for aspiring thespians, and a 24-hour study lounge. Our established staff of librarians and archivists are ever eager to further your pursuit of knowledge, so stop on by and have your curiosity quelled today!Entry is always free, but donations are welcome. :)
Shoppes at Ryu’s ShrineIf you find the thought of bouncing around town overwhelming, then this indoor marketplace is your greatest companion. Don’t let its modest size fool you - recent advancements in gateway technology enables this shopper’s paradise to accommodate for over 550 vendor and artisan shops. Each of the 5 floors encompasses a different class of goods, so you can keep your trips as neat (and focused) as you’d like.
The Grafted GardensHow does one tree produce hundreds of different fruit varieties? How can you maintain a garden without any soil? Find out at the Grafted Gardens! Located at the heart of Drasilynn’s root district, this expansive botanical garden is the paragon of horticultural science. By unraveling the mystery behind Drasilynn’s greatest hallmark - the Phoenix-Flower tree - you’ll discover just how early settlement on the island was made possible.
Available Weekly Workshops

- Grow a Garden From a Root -Mondays @3pmTake one step closer to self-sufficiency by learning how to grow shrubs and fruit trees in your own backyard. Don’t have a root cluster available on your property? Speak to our lead botanist for more information regarding transplants.Required Materials Cost: 20 spirits per person
- Create a Pollinator’s Paradise -Wednesdays @12pmSo you’ve got a garden, what next? The answer is . . . attracting pollinators! Attracting skeldrings and bumblemoths is easy, but setting boundaries for them can be a little tricky. This workshop outlines various methods used to keep pollinators in your garden and out of your kitchen.No materials are required beforehand, but we do recommend bringing a pad and pen for note-taking.
- Weekly Botanical Club Meetup -Fridays @5pmLed by local botanists and alumni, the weekly topics and discussions may vary! Basic membership is free, but all are welcome to stop by and inquire about premium membership perks at any time.

Come Visit Us!Shows marked with *** are tentative dates pending applicable jury and/or lottery processes.
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Art Prints
Kitsu Cafe
Kitosuni Pudding
Danger Noodle
Slushee Skink
DitD Therapy Co.
Hog-Wild Buffet
Palmetto Party
AoQ - Qi'ari
AoQ - Zerong
Dandy Dapper
Dandy Dapper
Ned Noodleton
Plushies & 3D-Prints
Cool fiber and 3D projects we have brought or will bring to future shows!
Qilin 3D-Prints
Bat Plush

Citizen Registry
While Drasilynn boasts many great sights, bountiful resources, and magical wonder, we are most proud of our citizens! Below are the living success stories of our community.

Coming soon!

Kitsu is a five-tailed fox with a love for adventure, nature, and making new friends. Her work as an ambassador leads her to new worlds, different dimensions, and into a lot of mischief.When not on the road, she spends much of her time at the Embassy of Drasilynn feeding and playing with the sakatsu in the pond.

Coming soon!

Hailing from the tropical islands of Indonesia, this earth-native lizard found her way to Drasilynn after a fateful encounter with a mirror in the rainforest.While fitting in to the city was difficult at first, she now runs a successful slushee cart alongside a local skeldring.

A unique duo consisting of a Stygian phoenix and her shape-shifting mate. While their age is uncertain, both have resided in Drasilynn well before the first brick was laid.Totem specializes in tarot readings and summoning magic, although their empathic abilities have also led them to a successful career as spiritual counselors.

Zerong & Qi’ari
Coming soon!

* Currently Being Updated *
Drasilynn hangs on a massive floating island over 15,000 feet above sea level. The most defining characteristic of the city is its remarkable phoenix-flower tree, which covers a majority of the landmass. In addition to providing physical shelter for many native species, the Tree of Drasilynn also provides numerous medicinal ingredients, food, lumber, dyes, and (most importantly) oxygen to its many residents.
Native Species
Given the unique location and geography, Drasilynn’s native species consist mainly of winged beings. Here are a few notable species visitors should be familiar with:
Click the text below to learn more!
Qilin are a benevolent and sacred species of dragon-deer. They have flowing manes, sturdy hooves, and antlers of varying shapes and sizes. Though they are primarily covered in fur, they do have some plated scales running from their backs to the tips of their thick, powerful tails. But despite their somewhat intimidating features, these creatures are regal and walk with such a grace that no Qilin footprints have ever been recorded. They are incapable of harming others, and thus act as harbingers of peace and prosperity.

Pictured: A Qilin named “Zerong” enjoying a late-morning sunny meadow.
Having a strong Qilin presence in the city is regarded as a mark of honor and progress, as it is a living testament to Drasilynn’s forward-thinking and peaceful ways. However, this does not mean Qilin are bound by its borders, for they frequently descend to the world below to mark other areas with a golden age on the horizon.Qilin are intelligent and understand multiple languages. Should you encounter one, it is well worth striking up a conversation!
Sakatsu are a semi-aquatic, slender-bodied species of dragon that possess a finned tail, flowing dorsal mane, and whiskers. In addition to having a wide range of color patterns, sakatsu also come in two distinct forms: pelagic and domestic.
Domestic Sakatsu

Domestic sakatsu are the smaller of the two, only reaching lengths of 5ft in rare cases. They are curious, benevolent beings that love to lounge and play—which is very fortunate for Drasillytes, because this variant of sakatsu inhabits many ponds and fountains throughout the city.
The domestic sakatsu prefers freshwater spaces and pellet foods comprised of vegetable and fish matter. They have but a pair of pectoral fins and a tail to help them navigate, meaning they primarily waddle and scoot about when out of water. Although they can briefly enter brackish waters, they prefer to stay close to civilizations, where there is plenty of shelter (and food) provided by the many citizens whose fascination lies with these adorable critters.
Pelagic Sakatsu

Pelagic sakatsu on the other hand can grow quite massive. While the largest confirmed size rests at 53 feet, some individuals speculated to be twice as long have been spotted migrating along the coasts below Drasilynn. Pelagic sakatsu are primarily found in ocean waters, although during spring they migrate to deserted islands to nest and raise their offspring.
This variety of sakatsu is strictly carnivorous and extremely intelligent. In addition to a powerful tail fin, they also possess highly developed arms and legs. While they may not hunt single persons they consider too small for their efforts, many pelagic sakatsu will target fishing boats on the open water. Efforts have not been made to domesticate said subspecies, although some treaties have been achievable via food offerings made at floating alters in the bay.
2/3/2025 - New information added about Sakatsu!
Head over to the “About Drasilynn” tab to learn about a few of its native species. While most of the entries are still in the works, we have published more insight on the koi dragon, sakatsu! Data entries are subject to growth in the future. :)
2/2/2025 - Welcome to the Site!
Hello, everyone! There’s a lot of work being done to the site, but we feel this is a nice place to start. :)First off—Welcome! We’ve been looking to create a site featuring the City of Drasilynn for years, but haven’t quite gotten around to making it until now. Our primary focus for the next few weeks will be on updating the “About” section for the world, as well as the “Citizen Registry.” We also have the first short story in the works, and it features our lovely eyelash viper friend, Elijah, as he finds himself marooned in a dimension far from his homeland, Costa Rica.Please stay tuned and check back in anytime, as we will be making all major updates here in our News and Updates tab!
Let’s Get in Touch!
Have a question, suggestion, or comment? Let us know!